Steering Committee Member Bios
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Dr. Mung Chiang
John A. Edwardson Dean, Roscoe H. George Distinguished Professor College of Engineering, Purdue University Mung Chiang is the John A. Edwardson Dean of the College of Engineering and the Roscoe H. George Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. Previously he was the Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, where he also served as Director of Keller Center for Innovations in Engineering Education and the inaugural Chairman of Princeton Entrepreneurship Council. His research on networking received the 2013 Alan T. Waterman Award, the highest honor to US young scientists and engineers. His textbook “Networked Life,” popular science book “The Power of Networks,” and online courses reached over 400,000 students since 2012. He founded the Princeton EDGE Lab in 2009, which bridges the theory-practice gap in edge networking research by spanning from proofs to prototypes. He also co-founded a few startup companies in mobile data, IoT and AI.
IIC Secretary, Vice President - AI, IoT Standardization and Strategy, Futurewei Technologies, Inc. Wael is a business and technology strategist with over 885 patents to his name in the fields of networking and ICT. He is currently a Vice President at Futurewei Technologies, Inc. leading AI and IoT Standardization and Strategy. Prior to Futurewei, Wael held senior leadership roles at Fortune 500 companies, including Cisco and Broadcom. Wael has BS and MS degrees in EE and BA in Economics from Stanford, and an MBA with honors from Wharton. He is a published author, having authored the book Ethernet in the First Mile: Access for Everyone. In 2011, Wael was recognized by the David Packard Medal of Achievement and Innovator Award for his leadership in Green Technology. Wael has been active in standardization and related activities for two decades. He chairs ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42, the international standardization committee on artificial Intelligence (AI). Wael is also chairing the AI track of the 22nd Global Standards Collaboration meeting (GSC-22).
Mr. Robert Martin
Senior Principal Engineer, Cyber Security Partnerships, The MITRE Corporation Bob Martin is a Senior Principal Engineer in Cyber Security Partnerships at MITRE. He has dedicated his career to solving some of the world's most difficult problems in systems and software engineering-including cybersecurity, application security and assurance, and establishing appropriate standards in these areas. He is actively contributing to or authoring 30 different standards within the ITU-T, ETSI, OMG, Open Group, and ISO on various aspects of cybersecurity and assurance. Bob's sponsor work spans across the seven Federal Funded Research and Development Centers that MITRE operates. Over the past 25 years Bob has utilized his expertise and experience in software quality and cybersecurity to help sponsors as well as to create and promote public international community initiatives such as SACM, SQAE, CVE, CAPEC, and CWE, which include large active vendor and research communities. Bob is a frequently requested speaker on security and quality issues pertaining to software-based technology systems and has published numerous articles and presentations in this area. Prior to joining MITRE, Bob started his career designing and installing manufacturing control systems in Area 2 of Kodak Park and performing software integration and porting projects for both RPI and General Electric. Bob holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in electrical engineering from RPI and an MBA from Babson College.
Mr. Vijay Raghunathan
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University Vijay Raghunathan is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University and the Director of the Embedded Systems and IoT Lab, which he founded in 2006. His research interests include hardware and software architectures for next-generation embedded systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), and wearable/implantable electronics, with an emphasis on ultra-low power design, edge analytics, and reliable/secure system design. Vijay has co-authored over a hundred journal and conference papers (several of which have won best paper awards) and has presented numerous invited talks and tutorials on the above topics. Several of the technologies and systems developed in his lab have been widely used in academia and industry. He has chaired multiple premier ACM and IEEE conferences and has served on the organizing and technical program committees of many more. He has served as an Associate Editor of two leading research journals, the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems and the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. He also serves as the founding Director of the Professional MS program in the School of ECE at Purdue. Vijay received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from UCLA and his B. Tech. degree in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras, India.
Mr. William Hoffman
Executive Director, IIC As Chairman and CEO , Bill is responsible for all of the business of the OMG, including Board activities and oversight of the OMG's neutral and open Technical Process. Bill has been with OMG since 1989 and has worked in the computer industry in the areas of advanced hardware and software for over forty years. A frequent industry speaker, he is knowledgeable on the latest trends in Industrial IoT, Digital Twins, Augmented Reality and sustainability. Prior to this position, he was the President of Object World Corporation, an OMG subsidiary, until it was acquired by Ziff- Davis Conferences and Forums. He has also served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing and co-founder of Itasca Systems, Inc., as well as Vice President and co-founder of Graphael, Inc., both early Object DBMS companies. Bill has also held senior positions at Gold Hill and Symbolics Inc., both of which were object-oriented AI and CASE companies. He started his career with Honeywell Information Systems in 1979. Bill holds a BS in Marketing from New Hampshire College, where he graduated with honors. In his spare time, Bill is a saltwater fisherman and boater (licensed USCG Captain) with a love of fast cars.
Dr. Said Tabet
Lead Technologist, IoT and AI Strategy, Dell EMC Dr. Said Tabet is the Lead Technologist for IoT and Artificial Intelligence Strategy at Dell EMC. Said is a member of the Object Management Group Board of Directors and the Principal Dell Technologies representative to the Industry IoT Consortium and member of its Steering Committee. Said is Chair of the INCITS Secure Cloud Computing Ad-Hoc Group, and ISO Editor of the Cloud Security SLA project. Said is leading Deep Learning testbed activity within the IIC. Dr. Tabet is also a member of the Cloud Security Alliance International Standardization Council. With over two and a half decades in the industry, Said played the role of a technology advisor to a number of large multinational companies. Said contributes to technology innovation forums, guides startups through mentorship and coaching, is himself an entrepreneur and a supporter of industry efforts encouraging new technology adoption in multi-disciplinary environments. Said currently focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Industrial IoT and Deep Learning exploring challenges in Smart facilities, Manufacturing, Utilities/Energy, Connected vehicles, IoT Security, Big Data Analytics, Model-based engineering, and future technology innovation. Dr. Tabet is a regular speaker and panelist at industry conferences and international standards meetings, co-founder of RuleML, Artificial Intelligence and IoT Expert, as well as author and editor of several book series and articles. Said worked closely with W3C founder Sir Tim Berners Lee and with other globally recognized technology leaders.
Mr. Wang Xuemin
Vice President, European Research Institute, Huawei Mr. Wang Xuemin, joined in Huawei in 1995. He served as project manager of Huawei B-Type Circuit Switching product, vice manager of Product Testing Department, vice manager of General Technical Management Office and as director of Standardization & Industry Dept, responsible for developing and implementing corporate standard and industry development strategy. Currently Mr. Wang serves as the vice president of the European research institute. Also, Mr. Wang was served as board member of several industry organizations include CCSA, IEC MSB, OMA etc, for the aim of building nice communication channels and relationships with customers, vendors, and partners in the multi-level standard and industry development environment.
Mr. Erich Barnstedt
Chief Architect Standards & Consortia, Microsoft Azure IoT In his role as Chief Architect Standards & Consortia for Azure IoT, Erich drives standardization and architecture discussions with the Azure IoT product teams, focusing on industrial scenarios. Erich has been a member of the Azure IoT team and worked at Microsoft for 18 years in various technical roles. He is a founding member of both the Windows Industrial IoT team and the Azure Industrial IoT team, leading both teams for many years. Erich focused on the automotive and manufacturing verticals throughout his career, representing Microsoft in the OPC Foundation's Marketing Control Board and its Technical Advisory Council. Currently, Erich represents Microsoft in Plattform Industrie 4.0 and the Clean Energy and Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII). Erich holds two Masters degrees and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Trinity College, Dublin.-->